Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Full Day in Afghanistan

So guess what: no data access from my phone. There goes all of the emailing, chatting, blogging that I had planned to do over the phone. I'm limited to voice and text, and our equipment we were going to use for Internet access is stuck in a shipping crate back in the States for who knows how long.

Things are ok so far. We got our bunks inside a huge open bay. The dust is truly magnificent here.

More to come.


  1. I thought the whole reason they gave you a blackberry was because data would work. That sucks. What are you going to do with no internet?? Read? On Paper? WTF!

  2. That DOES suck! We're hoping to get better access as we go, but until then it's like 20 minutes in the morning... Right now I'm syncing my work email and posting the stuff I wrote late last night.

    Reading, though, I've been doing some of that. Michelle bought me a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which is pretty f'ing funny once you get past the thick Victorian patois.
